Code Geass Hentai

Tinykin Game Review

Milo finds himself shocked that everybody has gone away since the year 1991 Milo is shocked to discover that no one else has ever been in his place before!
You can team up with your tinykin, and utilize your unique abilities to build explosives, bridges, ladders as well as many other things.

Explore cities that are made of beetles, ants and other insects inside a huge house
You will meet characters wherever you go and discover their tales and their stories
It is possible to find more than 100 tinykin, living in every city and their unique abilities can help you ascend higher and open doors in order to resolve the city’s issues.
Skateboard around on Milo’s tiny soap-board! Then grind, jump and flutter around the house
Get upgrades for Milo’s bubbly-pack. You can also build the Ardwin Museum and complete Ridmi’s unsettling machine!”

There is a path home from a vast urban area that’s ant-sized, and then solve the greatest mystery ever on earth!

Honest Review made by mikasa naked manga

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